In an unprecedented collaboration with Magnum Photos, we embarked on a groundbreaking project featuring six iconic photographers from around the world capturing their work on a single film roll. Inspired by their individual styles, we then created a series of six mini films discussing their process and inspiration, and six new Squarespace starting template designs.
Part of the Collections series, each feature is meant to inspire customers on their own Squarespace journey.
Brand Designer
8 Weeks
Project Trailer
My contributions toward the project were mostly consolidated to designing for each of the films. Paying homage to each photographer’s high level of craft, it was imperative that each spot felt both elevated and artful, while showcasing both their photography and the designs inspired by it.
Photographer Feature
Photographer Feature
Olivia Arthur
Jacob Aue Sobol
Photographer Feature
Photographer Feature
Sabiha Çimen
Bruce Gilden
Photographer Feature
Photographer Feature
William Keo
Steve McCurry
Squarespace Templates
For more information on the project or process, contact me.
2024 Webby Honoree — Advertising, Media & PR Digital Campaign